Baba left his mortal coil on the 15 th October 1918. Two years before i.e . in 1916 Baba gave an indication of his passing away. It was as follow. On the Vijayadashami (Dasara) Baba, all of a sudden got into wild rage in the evening, when people were returning from seemolanghan (Crossing the border of the village). Taking off His head-dress, Kafni and Langota etc. He tore them and threw them in the Dhuni before him. He stood there stark naked and with his burning red eyes shouted "You fellows now have a look and decide finally whether I am a Muslim or Hindu" Everybody was trembling with fear and nobody dared to approach Baba. After some time Bhogoji Shinde the leper devotee of Baba went Boldly near him and succeeded in tying a Langota round his waist and said," Baba what is all this? Today is 'Simolanghan i.e. Dasara' Baba striking the ground with his satka said," This is my Seemolanghan", Baba did not cool down till 11.00 P.M. and people doubted, whether the Chavadi procession would ever take place that night. After an hour Baba resumed His normal condition and dressing Himself as usual attended the Chavadi procession. By this incident Baba suggested that Dasara was the proper time for Him to cross the border of life.
Baba gave another indication as follow :--
Ramchandra Patil became seriously ill. He tried all remedies, but finding no reliet despaired of his life was awaiting for the last moment. Then one midnight Baba stood near his bed. Patil held His feet and said," I have lost all my hopes. Please tell me definitely when I shall die". Merciful Baba said," Don't be anxious, your Hundi (Death-warrant) has been withdrawn but I am afraid of Tatya Patil. He will pass away on Vijayadashami of 1918.
Ramachandra Dada soon left bed and soon was on his legs. Time passed quickly. The month of Bhadrappada of Shaka 1840 (1918 A D) was ending and Tatya fell sick and was bed ridden Baba was also down with fever. Tatya had full faith in Baba. Tatya's illness grew from bad to worse and could not move at all but alaways remembered Baba. The day predicated i.e. Vijayadashami was impending and Ramchandra Dada and Bala Shimpi who was told the predication were terribly Frightened about Tatya. Tatya's end was near. But a curious thing happened, Tatya remained and Baba passed away instead. People said that Baba gave his life for Tatya and made Vijayadashami more significant for Sai devotees.
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Chapter 43 & 44 |
Chapters 43 and 44-Baba's Passing Away
Preparation - Samadhi-Mandir - Breaking of the Brick - 72 Hours' Samadhi - Jog's Sannyas - Baba's Nectar-like Words.
Previous Preparation
It is the general practice amongst the Hindus that when a man is about to die, some good religious scripture is read out to him with the object that his mind should be withdrawn from worldly things and fixed in matters spiritual, so that his future progress should be natural and easy. Everybody knows that when king Parikshiti was cursed by the son of a Brahmin Rishi and was about to die after a week, the great sage Shuka expounded to him the famous Bahagwat Puran in that week. This practice is followed even now and Gita, Bhagawat and other sacred books are read out to dying persons. Baba being an incarnation of God needed no such help, but just to set an example to the people, He followed this practice. When He knew that He was to pass away soon, He ordered one Mr.Vaze to read Ramavijaya to Him. Mr.Vaze read the book once in the week. Then Baba asked him to read the same again day and night and he finished the second reading in three days. Thus eleven days passed. Then again he read for three days and was exhausted. So Baba let him go and kept Himself quiet. He abided on His Self and was waiting for the last moment.
Two or three days previous, Baba had stopped His morning peregrinations and begging rounds and sat in the Masjid. He was conscious to the last and was advising the devotees not to lose heart. He let nobody know the exact time of His departure. Kakasaheb Dixit and Shriman Booty were dining daily with Him in the Masjid. That day (15th October) after arati, He asked them to go to their residence for dining. Still a few, viz., Laxmibai Shinde, Bhagoji Shinde, Bayaji, Laxman Bala Shimpi and Nanasaheb Nimonkar remained there. Shama was sitting down on the steps. After giving Rs. 9/- to Laxmibai Shinde, Baba said that He did not feel well there (in the Masjid) and that He should be taken to the Dagadi (stone) Wada of Booty, where He would be alright. Saying these last words, He leaned on Bayaji's body and breathed His last. Bhagoji noticed that His breathing had stopped and he immediately told this to Nanasaheb Nimonkar who was sitting below. Nanasaheb brought some water and poured it in Baba's mouth. It came out. Then he cried out loudly 'Oh Deva.' Baba seemed just to open His eyes and say 'Ah' in a low tone. But it soon become evident that Baba had left His body for good.
The news of Baba's passing away spread like a wild fire in the village of Shirdi and all people, men, women and children ran to the Masjid and began to mourn this loss in various ways. Some cried out loudly, some wallowed on in the streets and some fell down senseless. Tears ran down from the eyes of all and every one was smitten with sorrow.
Then the question arose - How to dispose off Baba's body? Some (Mahomedans) said that the body should be interred in an open space and a tomb built over it. Even Khushalchand and Amir Shakkar shared this opinion. But Ramachandra Patil, the village officer said to the villagers with a firm and determined voice, "Your thought is not acceptable to us. Baba's body should be nowhere placed except in the Wada." Thus people were divided on this point and discussion regarding this point went on for 36 hours.
On Wednesday morning Baba appeared to Laxman Mama Joshi in his dream and drawing him by His hand said - "Get up soon; Bapusaheb thinks that I am dead and so he won't come; you do the worship and the Kakad (morning) arati." Laxman Mama was the village astrologer and was the maternal uncle of Shama. He was an orthodox Brahmin and daily first worshipped Baba in the morning and then all the village deities. He had full faith in Baba. After the vision he came with all the pooja materials and not minding the protests of the moulvis, did the Pooja and the Kakad arati with all due formalities and went away. Then at noon Bapusaheb Jog came with all others and went through the noon-arati ceremony as usual.
Paying due respect to Baba's words the people decided to place His body in the Wada and started digging the central portion there. In the evening of Tuesday the Sub-Inspector came from Rahata and others from other places turned up and they all agreed to the proposal. Next morning Amirbhai came from Bombay and the Mamlatdar from Kopergaon. The people seemed divided in their opinion. Some insisted on interring His body in the open field. The Mamlatdar therefore took a general plebiscite and found that the proposal to use the Wada secured double the number of votes. He, however, wanted to refer the matter to the Collector and Kakasaheb Dixit got himself ready to go to Ahmednagar. In the meanwhile, by Baba's inspiration there was a change in the opinion of the other people and all the people unanimously voted for the proposal. On Wednesday evening Baba's body was taken in procession and brought to the Wada and was interred there with due formalities in the garbha, i.e., the central portion reserved for Murlidhar. In fact Baba became the Murlidhar and the Wada became a temple and a holy shrine, where so many devotees went and are going now to find rest and peace. All the obsequies of Baba were duly performed by Balasaheb Bhate and Upasani, a great devotee of Baba.