If one sees me and me alone and listens to my Leelas and is devoted to me alone, he will reach God --SAIBABA
"Sada Nimbarvrikshasya mooladhiwasat,
Sudhasravinam tiktamapi-apriyam tam,
Tarum Kalpavrikshadhikam sadhayantam
Namameeshwaram Sadgurum Sai Natham"
Chapter 40
Hemadpant's Shimga Dinner
Now let us take another story which shows how Baba
appeared in the form of His picture and fulfilled the desire of His devotee.
In 1917 on the full-moon morning, Hemadpant had a vision. Baba appeared to
him in his dream in the form of a well-dressed Sannyasi, woke him up, and said
that He would come to him for meals that day. This awakening constituted a part
of the dream. When he fully awoke, he saw no Sai nor any Sannyasi. But when he
began to recollect the dream, he remembered each and every word the Sannyasi
uttered in his dream. Though he was in contact with Baba for seven years and
though he always meditated on Baba, he never expected that Baba would come to
his house for meals. However, being much pleased with Baba's words, he went to
his wife and informed her that being the Holi day, a Sannyasi guest was coming
for meals and that some more rice should be prepared. She enquired about the
guest, who he was and whence he was coming. Then not to lead her astray and not
to cause any misunderstanding he gave her the truth, i.e., told her about the
dream. She doubtingly asked whether it was possible that Baba should come there
(Bandra) from Shirdi, leaving the dainty dishes there for accepting their coarse
food. Hemadpant then assured her that Baba might not come in person but He might
attend in the form of a guest and that they would lose nothing if they cooked
some more rice.
After this, preparations for the dinner went on and it was quite ready at
noon. The Holika-worship was gone through and the leaves (dishes) were spread
and arranged with 'Rangoli' marks around them. Two rows were put up with a
central seat between them for the guest. All the members of the family - sons,
grandsons, daughters and sons-in-law etc., came and occupied their proper seats
and the serving of the various articles commenced. While this was being done,
everybody was watching for the guest, but none turned up though it was past
noon. Then the door was closed and chained; the anna-shuddhi (ghee) was served.
This was a signal to start eating. Formal offering to the Vaishwadeva (Fire),
and Naivedya to Shri Krishna were also over and the members were about to begin,
when foot-steps in the staircase were distinctly heard. Hemadpant went
immediately and opened the door and saw two men there: (1) Ali Mahomed and (2)
Moulana Ismu Mujavar. These two persons, seeing that meals were ready and all
the members were about to begin eating, apologized to Hemadpant and requested
him to excuse their interference. They said - "You left your seat and came
running to us, others are waiting for you, so please take this your Thing
and I shall relate all the wonderful tale about it later on at your
convenience." So saying he took out from his arm-pit a packet wrapped in an old
newspaper cover and placed it on the table. Hemadpant uncovered the packet and
saw, to his great wonder and surprise, a big nice picture of Sai Baba. Seeing
it, he was much moved, tears ran from his eyes and hair stood on end all over
his body, and he bent and placed his head on the feet of Baba in the picture. He
thought that Baba had blessed him by this miracle or Leela. Out of curiosity he
asked Ali Mahomed whence he got this picture. He said that he bought it from a
shop and that he would give all the details about it some time afterwards and
wished that as all the members were waiting for him, he should go and join them.
Hemadpant thanked him, bade them good-bye and returned to the dinning-hall. The
picture was placed on the central seat reserved for the guest and after the due
offering of the Naivedya, the whole party commenced eating and finished it in
proper time. Seeing the beautiful form in the picture everybody was extremely
pleased and wondered how all this happened.
The is how Sai Baba kept up and fulfilled His words uttered by Him in the
dream of Hemadpant. The story of the picture with all its details, viz., how Ali
Mahomed got it, why he bought it and gave it to Hemadpant, is reserved for the
next chapter
Bow to Shri Sai -- Peace be to all