
About Sai Baba

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Sai Baba Bhajans

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Om Martyaa Bhaya Pradaaya namaha- 16
These feet are old and holy, you place entire faith in Me and you will soon get your object ---SAIBABA

SAI BHAJAN (Click Here For Real Audieo)

Vitthala Hari Vitthala Paanduranga Vitthaley Hari Narayana Purandara Vitthaley Hari Narayana Hari Narayana, Jaya Narayana Sai Narayana, Sathya Narayana
(Pray and worship Lord Vitthala, Hari, Narayana and Lord Sai.)


"Sada Nimbarvrikshasya mooladhiwasat, Sudhasravinam tiktamapi-apriyam tam, Tarum Kalpavrikshadhikam sadhayantam Namameeshwaram Sadgurum Sai Natham"

Shri Gopalraobuti

Chapter 33

Shri Annadabholkar


Bhakta Narayanrao (father's name and surname are not given) had the good fortune to see Baba twice during the Latter's lifetime. Three years after the passing away of Baba in 1918, he wanted to come to Shirdi, but he could not come. Within a year of Baba's Mahasamadhi he fell sick and suffered much. All ordinary remedies gave him no relief. So he meditated on Baba day and night. One night he had a vision in his dream. Baba coming to him through a cellar, comforted him saying, "Don't be anxious, you will be improving from tommorrow, and within a week you will be on your legs." Narayanrao got perfectly well within the time mentioned in the vision. Now the point for consideration is this:- Was Baba living because he had the body, and was He dead because He left it? No, Baba is ever alive, for He transcends both life and death. He who loved Him once whole-heartedly gets response from Him at any time and at any place. He is always by our side and will take any form and appear before the devout Bhakta and satisfy him.

Appasaheb Kulkarni

In 1917 the chance of one Appasaheb Kulkarni came. He was transferred to Thana and began to worship Baba's picture presented to him by Balasaheb Bhate. In real earnest he did the worship. He offered flowers, sandal-paste, and naivedya daily to Baba in the picture and longed intently to see Him. In this connection it may be remarked that seeing Baba's picture earnestly is equivalent to seeing Him in person. The following story illustrates this statement.

Balabuva Sutar

A Saint of Bombay named Balabuva Sutar, who on account of his piety, devotion and bhajan, was called "Modern Tukaram", came to Shirdi for the first time in 1917. When be bowed before Baba, the latter said "I know this man since four years". Balabuva wondered and thought, how could that be, as that was his first trip to Shirdi. But thinking about it seriously he recollected that he had prostrated himself four years ago before Baba's portrait at Bombay and was convinced about the significance of Baba's words. He said to himself,"How omniscient and all-pervading are the Saints and how kind are they to their Bhaktas! I merely bowed to His photo, this fact was noticed by Baba and in due time He made me realize that seeing His photo is equivalent to seeing Him in person!"

Bow to Shri Sai -- Peace be to all

With Good Wishes From Members of http://groups.msn.com/shirdiksaibaba

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