(With a heart filled with love, say Ram's name; Ram's name burns all sins and sorrows; Ram's name is the auspicious boat with which the ocean of life can be crossed; Ram's divine name gives great peace; His name gives support to those who have no support; His name is the greatest secret, the greatest divine mantra; He always resides in the hearts of saints and devotees; His name is mother, father, relation, friend and all; Ram's name is life's treasure, for all devotees.)
Prema Mudhita Manase Kaho Rama Rama Ram Rama Rama Ram Rama Rama Ram, Shree Rama Rama Ram Paapa Kate, Dukha Mite, Leke Rama Naam Bhava Samudra, Sukhada Naava, Eka Rama Naam Parama Shanti, Sukha Nidhaana, Divya Rama Naam Niraadhaara, Ko Adhara, Eka Rama Naam Parama Gopya, Parama Divya, Mantra Rama Naam Shanta Hrudaya, Sadaa Vasata, Eka Rama Naam Maatha Pitha, Bandhu Sakha, Sab Hi Rama Naam Bhaktha Janara, Jeevana Dhana, Eka Rama Naam Rama Rama Ram, Rama Rama Ram, Rama Rama Ram, Shree Rama Rama Ram
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Gopalraobuti |
Chapter XXI |
Ramakrishnanawalkar |
The Pandharpur Pleader
We shall close this Chapter with short story showing Baba's omniscience and His using it for correcting people and setting them on the right path. Once a pleader from Pandharpur came to Shirdi, went to the Masjid, saw Sai Baba, fell at His Feet and, without being asked, offered some Dakshina, and sat in a corner eager to hear the talk, that was going on. Then Baba turned His face towards him and said - "How cunning the people are! They fall at the feet, offer Dakshina, but inwardly give abuses behind the back. Is not this wonderful?" This cap (remark) fitted the pleader and he had to wear (take) it. None understood the remark. The pleader grasped it, but kept silent. When they returned to the Wada, the pleader said to Kakasaheb Dixit - "What Baba remarked was perfectly right. The dart (remark) was aimed at me, it was a hint to me, that I should not indulge in reviling or scandalizing others (calling by names). When the subjudge or munsiff of Pandharput (Mr.Noolkar) came and stayed here for the improvement of his health, a discussion about this matter was going on in the bar-room at Pandharpur (as it ever happens in many a bar-room). It was said or discussed there whether the ailments, from which the sub-judge suffered were, ever likely to be got rid of without medicines, by merely going after Sai Baba, and whether it was proper for an educated man, like the sub-judge, to have recourse to such methods. The sub-judge was taken to task, i.e. he was ciritisied, as also Sai Baba. I also took some part in this affair; and now Sai Baba showed the impropriety of my conduct. This is not a rebuke to me, but a favour, an advice that I should not indulge in any scandal or slander of others; and not interfere unnecessarity in others' affairs".
Shirdi is about 100 Koss (Koss=3 miles) distant from Pandharpur; still Baba by His omniscience knew what transpired there in the bar-room. The intervening places -- rivers, jungles and mountains - were not a bar to His all-perceiving sight and He could see or read the hearts of all. There was nothing secret or veiled from Him. Everything, far or near, was plain and clear to Him as broad as daylight. Let a man be far or near, he cannot avoid the all-pervading gaze of Sai Baba. From this incident, the pleader took the lesson that he should never speak ill of others, nor unnecessarily criticize them. This his evil tendency was completely got rid of, and he was set on the right path.
Though the story refers to a pleader, still it is applicable to all. All should, therefore, take this lesson to heart and profit thereby.
Sai Baba's greatness is unfathomable, so are His wonderful Leelas. His life is also such; for He is Para-Brahman (Lord God) incarnate.
Devotees Experiences
A year after that, in 1915, my elder son Muralidhar was born. We took him to Shirdi for Baba's darshan when he was eight months old. Then we had two more sons - Bhaskar and Dinakar. We took them to Shirdi for Baba's darshan too. I remember one incident of that time very well. When Dinakar was two months old we placed him in front of Baba's feet. Baba picked him up and threw him up into the air. My heart stopped with fear, but nothing happened to Dinakar. Another devotee who was sitting beside Baba caught him and handed him to us. Perhaps Baba knew in advance that the devotee would catch Dinakar, otherwise he would not have flung the child up and sat quiet, making no attempt to catch him again."
I had a total of eight sons and a daughter. Only then did I realise the full meaning of the boon granted by Baba when I went the first time to Shirdi. "Take! One, two, three, four!" said Baba at the time. "Take as many as you want." He gave me as many children as I desired.
My husband also became a staunch devotee of Baba in the course of time. His faith and devotion to Baba increased day by day. One incident will suffice to show the extent of his devotion. Our second son, Bhaskar, died when he was ten. My husband did not fall into a depression as he had when his first son died, but accepted it as the will of Baba. He took all the children to the puja room, and lining them up in front of Baba there, said, "Baba you may take all these too if you wish, but the faith and devotion I have for you will stay firm as a rock."
Smt. Parvatbai Sapatnekar finished her account of her reminiscences of Sri Sai Baba. Lt. Col. Nimbalkar next interviewed her son, Dinakar Sapatnekar. It seems the Sapatnekars were from a village called Sapatne, hence the name Sapatnekar. They then settled in the taluka headquarter village of Madhegaon. They were a family of lawyers. Their grandfather was a lawyer and so was their father, Mahadev Waman Sapatnekar, who was a prominent, successful and rich lawyer of Akkalkot.
Dinakar disclosed another interesting fact about his father. He said that his father was a devotee of Sri Datta and would frequently go to Gangapur. When his first wife and son both died, Sapatnekar was so disillusioned with life that he wanted to commit suicide by drowning himself in the river there at Gangapur. It seems Datta himself saved him from committing suicide and ordered him to Akkalkot. Then Baba drew him to Shirdi in 1913 and made him his devotee. Dinakar Sapatnekar had been employed as a judge in the service of the state of Maharashtra and was retired, being 68 years old at the time of this interview.
Nimbalkar interviewed Smt. Parvatbai Sapatnekar on 13.9.1983. She breathed her last about a month and a half later on 30.10.1983.
_Courtesy Sai Leela July 1986 Please send your experineces also to saivishnu@hotmail.com