Daanava Bhanjana Rama Sai Shyaamala Komala Ram Hey Rama Rama Jaya Rama Sai, Rama Rama Ram Daanava Bhanjana Rama Sai, Shyaamala Komala Ram Dasharatha Nandana Rama Sai, Dayaa Saagara Ram Deeno Ke Prabhu Rama Sai, Rama Rama Ram
(Charming, sweet Ram, You killed the demons (Danavas). The delight of Dasharatha; You are the Ocean of Compassion. Ram, You are the Lord of the helpless, come again as Sai.)
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sagunmelunaik |
Chapter XXI |
dadasahebkhaparde |
Institution of Saints
There have been institutions of Saints in this world, from time immemorial. Various Saints appear (incarnate) themselves in various places to carry out the missions allotted to them, but though they work in different places, they are, as it were, one. They work in unison under the common authority of the Almighty Lord and know full well what each of them is doing in his place, and supplement his work where necessary. An instance illustrating this is given below.
Mr. Thakur
Mr. V.H.Thakur, B.A., was a clerk in the Revenue Department and he once came to a town named Vadgaum near Belgaum (S.M. Country) along with a Survey party. There he saw a Kanarese Saint (Appa) and bowed before him. The Saint was explaining a portion from the book "Vichar-Sagar" of Nischaldas (a standard work on Vedanta) to the audience. When Thakur was taking his leave to go, he said to him, "you should study this book, and if you do so, your desires will be fulfilled, and when you go to the North in the discharge of your duties in future, you will come across a great Saint by your good luck, and then he will show you the future path, and give rest to your mind and make you happy".
Then, he was transferred to Junnar, where he had to go by crossing Nhane Ghat. This Ghat was very steep and impassible, and no other conveyance, than a buffalo was of use in crossing it. So he had to take a buffalo-ride through the Ghat, which inconvenienced and pained him much. Thereafter, he was transferred to Kalyan on higher post, and there he became acquainted with Nanasaheb Chandorkar. He heard much about Sai Baba from him and wished to see Him. Next day, Nanasaheb had to go to Shirdi, and he asked Thakur to accompany him. He could not do so as he had to attend the Thana Civil Court for a civil case. So Nanasaheb went alone. Thakur went to Thana, but there the case was postponed. Then, he repented for not accompanying Nanasaheb. Still he left for Shirdi and when he went there, he found that Nanasaheb had left the place the previous day. Some of his other friends, whom he met there, took him to Baba. He saw Baba, fell at His Feet and was overjoyed. His eyes were full of tears of joy and his hair stood on end. Then after a while the omniscient Baba said to him - "The path of this place is not so easy as the teaching of the Kanarese Saint Appa or even as the buffalo-ride in the Nhane Ghat. In this spiritual path, you have to put in your best exertion as it is very difficult". When Thakur heard these significant signs and words, which none else than he knew, he was overwhelmed with joy. He came to know, that the word of the Kanarese Saint had turned true. Then joining both hands and placing his head on Baba's Feet, he prayed that he should be a accepted and blessed. Then Baba said - "What Appa told you was all right, but these things have to be practised and lived. Mere reading won't do. You have to think and carry out what you read, otherwise, it is of no use. Mere book-learning, without the grace of the Guru, and self-realization is of no avail". The theoretical portion was read from the work `Vichar Sagar' by Thakur, but the practical way was shown to him at Shirdi. Another story given below will bring out this truth more forcibly
Devotees Experiences
He got his chance a few days later. One afternoon my husband noticed that Baba was sitting alone in the mosque. He at once ran to Baba and, clasping his feet, started weeping piteously. He told Baba that he had been blind to Baba's greatness earlier and earnestly begged Baba to forgive his previous transgressions and shower his grace on him. Baba's heart melted and placing his hand on my husband's head, he blessed him and bade him sit near Him.
Meanwhile a shepherdess had walked in and sat massaging Baba's feet. Baba in his usual manner, started telling her a story. As my husband listened to the story, he was dumbfounded to realise that it was all about him. He was awed by Baba's omniscience. Pointing to my husband Baba said to the shepherdess, "This man accuses me of killing his son. Do I kill people's children? Why does he come here and start weeping? I will put the same child in the womb of his wife. Tell him to go now." My husband was ecstatic with happiness. He saluted Baba repeatedly, thanking him for showering us with his grace, and returned from the mosque."
He recounted to me all that had happened in the mosque with Baba. He said that Baba was an ocean of kindness and a realised soul. He told me to get ready for the arati with puran polies (chapatis with a sweet filling) as an offering for Baba. However, one of the priests there told us that halva would make a better offering, so we prepared some halva and took it on a plate to the mosque. After the arati, the offerings to Baba were put in front of him. Even though our plate was slightly far away, Baba bent down, and taking a handful of halva, ate it with relish. Our happiness knew no bounds. We offered our heartfelt thanks to Baba for the kindness he showed us."
to be continued.........Please send your experineces also to saivishnu@hotmail.com