Ayodhya Vaasi Ram Ram Ram Dasaratha Nandana Ram Pateetha Pavana Janaki Jeevana Seetha Mohana Ram(Lord Ram, residing in Ayodya, son of Dasaratha; purifier of sin, the enchanter of Seetha, the very life of Janaki.)
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shyamraojaikar |
Chapter XX |
dadasahebpurandare |
Sai (Lord) was originally formless. he assumed a form for the sake of Bhaktas. With the help of the actress Maya, He played the part of the Actor in the big drama of the universe. Let us remember and visualize Shri Sai. Let us go to Shirdi, and see carefully the programmes, after the noon-Arati. After the Arati ceremony was over, Sai used to come out of the Masjid, and standing on its edge, distribute udi to the devotees with very kind and loving looks. The Bhaktas also got up with equal fervour, clasped His Feet, and standing and staring at Him, enjoyed the shower of Udi. Baba passed handfuls of Udi into the palms of the devotees and marked their foreheads with Udi with His fingers. The love He bore for them in His heart was boundless. Then He addressed the Bhaktas as follows:- "Oh Bhau, go to take your lunch; you Anna, go to your lodgings; you Bapu, enjoy your dishes". In this way He accosted each and every devotee and sent them home. Even now, you can enjoy these sights if you bring into play your imagination. You can visualize and enjoy them. Now bringing Sai before our mental vision, let us meditate on Him, from His Feet upwards to His face, and prostrating before Him humbly, lovingly and respectfully, revert to the story of this Chapter.
Devotees Experiences
Tatya was childless for a long time after his marriage, but felt that he could have children if he married a second time. But as he remained childless for a long time with his second wife, he married yet again.
His third wife, too, did not bear him any children. He was disappointed, and thought that he was not fated to have children so made preparations to adopt the son of his friend, Ramachandra Patil. He arranged for the adoption ceremony and taking the adoption papers went to Sri Sai Baba for his blessings. When Baba saw the papers he said, "Why do you need to adopt anyone? You will get children yourself." Tatya had an unshakeable belief in Baba's words and immediately stopped the adoption ceremony. But he did not get any children for a long time even after this. Finally he went to Baba and said "My God! You said that I would get children and hence I had stopped the adoption ceremony. But a long time has passed since then and I am still childless. What do you want me to do now?" Baba replied, "Tatya, if you get children you will lose your wealth. Choose whether you want riches or children." Tatya, who was yearning day and night for children, replied "Let the riches go if they go. I want children." Baba smiled and said, "Alright then, you want children rather than wealth. You will get as many children as the litter of a sow. Go now!" Later, when Tatya was 55 years old, all his wives started bearing children and he ultimately produced a large family. Today his family, including grandchildren and great-grandchildren, number over a hundred. But as Baba had stated, his prosperity vanished and Tatya had to face many financial problems. However, by the grace of Sri Sai Baba, he passed away without a care in 1945, without being in debt to anyone. (These details were given to Saipatham personally by Sri Tatya's son by his second wife, Sri Uttamrao Kote Patil)
Sri Tatya Kote Patil's samadhi is located between the entrance gate to Lendi garden and the power-house of Sri Sai Baba Sansthan. Tatya was widely regarded as the light in the eyes of Sri Sai Baba. Perhaps his samadhi being adjacent to the power-house giving light to the whole of Shirdi is the divine will of Sri Sai Baba and not entirely a coincidence.